Supported housing by landlord type and client group in Wales


wdt_ID Client group (Wales) HA LA Charity Other
1 Older people (65+) 55 41 2 1
2 Single homeless incl. rough sleepers 30 59 11 0
3 Homeless families 30 59 11 0
4 Vulnerable young people (16-25) 69 2 24 5
5 Learning disabilities 64 8 16 11
6 Physical disabilities 64 8 16 11
7 Mental health problems 58 9 10 23
8 Drug or alcohol misuse needs 30 59 11 0
9 Offenders 30 59 11 0
10 At risk of domestic abuse 63 4 33 0
11 Others incl. asylum seekers/ refugees etc. 55 20 16 9
Client group (Wales)
Source: Supported accommodation review - The scale, scope and cost of the supported housing sectorA report of research carried out by Ipsos MORI, Imogen Blood & Associates and Housing & Support Partnership on behalf of the DWP and the DCLG (Nov 2016) - Table 3.4 Profile of supported housing by client group and landlord by country on page 45.

The authors of the report advise that appropriate caution should be exercised when interpreting results at this level of disaggregation. Profile of the ‘Others’ category has been derived using the overall landlord type profile for working-age provision across each nation.
