Residential care home

1. The NHS say that there are two main types of care home:1NHS page on dementia and care homes

  1. residential care homes;
  2. nursing homes.

2. Some care homes offer both residential and nursing care places.

3. Residential homes provide personal care, such as help with:

  1. washing;
  2. dressing;
  3. taking medicines;
  4. going to the toilet.

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Nursing home

1. Nursing homes provide personal care as well as assistance from qualified nurses. They are sometimes called care homes with nursing.1Age UK

2. The NHS say that some nursing homes offer services for people that may need more care and support. For example, these are people with:2NHS page on care homes

  1. severe learning disabilities, severe physical disabilities or both
  2. a complex medical condition that needs help from a qualified nurse – such as someone who has a colostomy or who is fed through a tube

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Extra care housing

1. Extra care housing is a form of supported housing.

2. There is no statutory definition of extra care housing. The UK Government has adopted the following definition of “extra care housing” for policy purposes.1DWP A5/2019 Sheltered and extra care supported accommodation – New LA IT functionality requirement, 21 May 2019

Extra care housing is related to sheltered housing. Like sheltered housing, it is also designated for occupation mainly by over-55s but with higher level support and care to help residents live independently (for example, where the likely alternative might be a residential care home).

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