Age-exclusive housing

1. The Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) introduced the description ‘age-exclusive housing’ for schemes or developments that cater exclusively for older people.1EAC glossary entry on “age-exclusive housing”

2. EAC say that this term was introduced because of the recent trend away from providing ‘wardens’ or Scheme Managers in traditional sheltered and retirement housing schemes. 

3. Age exclusive housing is designed, built and let/sold exclusively to older people (typically 50+ or 55+), but without supportive on-site management and usually without any shared facilities except perhaps a garden, residents’ lounge and guest suite.2EAC glossary entry on “age-exclusive housing” & Too Little, Too Late? Housing for an ageing population by Professor Les Mayhew, published by Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), 2020, p.18 

4. Age-exclusive housing usually incorporates design features helpful to older people, and may have communal facilities such as a residents’ lounge, guest suite and shared garden. It does not provide any regular on-site support to residents.

Categories: Designated, Taxonomy
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