1. The MGP1 (LA) is the acronym of a Universal Credit form: the Migration Gather Proforma 1 (LA).
Original form
2. The original live service form was called UCMGP1 (LA).
3. Click on the following link to see a version of the original form from 2014: UCMGP1(LA).1 HB/CTB Circular A12/ 2014, Annex B, page 10
UC413 in former live service areas
4. The UCMGP1 (LA) was then renamed UC413 and continued by that name in former live service areas albeit with one less information field than the original.
MGP1 (LA) in full service areas
5. In full service areas it is now known as MGP1 (LA).
MGP1 (LA) enhancements
6. From 1 April 2020 DWP are making changes to the MGP1LA process when an LA receives an HB stop notice. An LA will only have to return a MGP1LA to the UC service centre when there is something to tell DWP.2LA Welfare Direct 3/2020 on MGP1LA Enhancements
7. The MGP1LA has been updated so that there are four drop down options available. The latest version of the form can be found on Glasscubes. This will significantly reduce the number of MGP1LA forms that are returned to the UC service centre.
8. The LA should complete the MGP1LA by selecting the appropriate reason for completing the MGP1LA from the email subject header menu.
9. There are four email subject header options which can be selected to indicate the action taken. When an option is selected this will pre-populate the subject header field of the return email:
- overlapping Housing Benefit – HB closed official
- supported exempt/specified – HB not closed official
- temporary accommodation – HB not closed official
- Severe Disability Premium in payment – HB not closed official
10. The MGP1LA should be completed and emailed to the UC service centre within 5 days of receipt. The subject field of the email must have the appropriate heading as selected from the drop down menu or this could delay the process.
11. An MGP1LA form should not be sent to DWP for any other reason than a reply to a DWP HB Stop notice that the LA has received, as they will be deleted and not actioned by DWP.3Guidance LA Welfare Direct 5/2020 – reminder on correct MGP1LA process
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