1. The Single Housing Benefit Extract is a dataset produced for the DWP. 1Data.gov.uk, ‘Single Housing Benefit Extract’ (12 December 2013)
2. It is a monthly electronic scan of claimant level data direct from local authority computer systems. The data contains financial, geographic and individual level data.2Data.gov.uk, ‘Single Housing Benefit Extract’ (12 December 2013)
Identification of specified accommodation
3. The Single Housing Benefit Extract scan includes specified accommodation as a tenancy type.3DWP, HB A10/2016 (2nd Revision), Administration of the benefit cap 2016, para 69 9 November 2016
4. LAs are advised that it is important that once they are aware that a claim relates to specified accommodation they ensure this field is correctly completed. DWP will then be able to identify and calculate specified accommodation claims correctly (in relation to the benefit cap).4DWP, HB A10/2016 (2nd Revision), Administration of the benefit cap 2016, para 69 9 November 2016
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