Time spent in supported accommodation

Overview of typical length of stay in UK supported accommodation

1. The time individuals spend in supported accommodation can vary greatly depending on their needs and the type of housing provided. Typical time periods for various types of supported accommodation commonly found in the UK are set out below.

Typical length of stay in different UK supported accommodation types

Type of supported accommodation Typical duration of stay
Temporary homeless shelters A few days to several weeks
Emergency refuge (e.g., for domestic abuse victims) Several days to a few months
Hostels A few weeks to 6 months (sometimes up to 2 years)
Transitional housing 6 months to 2 years
Supported living for people with mental health issues Varies widely; can be short-term (months) or long-term (years)
Housing for older adults (with care support) Often long-term, possibly until end of life
Accommodation for people with learning disabilities Typically long-term, depending on individual’s needs and progress
Resettlement programmes (e.g., for ex-offenders) 6 months to 2 years, but can vary
Foyers (young people training and accommodation centres) Up to 2 years
Shared supported housing Varies, but often between 1-5 years
Specialist therapeutic communities 1 to 3 years

Disclaimers and objectives of supported housing length of stay

2. Please note that these time periods are indicative and can vary based on individual circumstances, the specific model of the supported accommodation, and other external factors. The role of supported housing is to provide individuals with the necessary support and tools to transition to more permanent and independent living, whenever appropriate.

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