
1. A void is a property that is unlet for a period of time.

2. These periods of time can be caused by a number of factors, such as a resident moving out and the property remaining unoccupied until a new resident is found, or the property being temporarily unavailable for letting due to renovations or other work.

3. Some forms of supported housing for particular client groups may be associated with longer void periods than for other groups. 

The median number of vacant days prior to letting by client groups (Private Registered Providers – England only)

Source: CORE social lettings 2014/15 (DCLG)
Source: Supported accommodation review - The scale, scope and cost of the supported housing sectorA report of research carried out by Ipsos MORI, Imogen Blood & Associates and Housing & Support Partnership on behalf of the DWP and the DCLG (Nov 2016) - Table 3.12 Median number of vacant days prior to letting by client group (Private Registered Providers England-only) on page 56

4. Voids can significantly impact a property’s financial performance, as they result in a loss of rental income and will be incurring costs such as management fees, insurance and so on. Property managers may use various strategies to minimise voids.

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