1. If you are considering registering with the English Regulator of Social Housing as a provider of supported housing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the registration process and criteria.
Thinking about becoming a registered provider
2. The regulator has produced: Becoming a registered provider – information for intending applicants. It refers to this as:
“a helpful guide for anyone considering applying for registration and for those that advise applicants”.1‘Becoming a Registered Provider – Information for Intending Applicants’ (GOV.UK), accessed 16 February 2023
Common misconceptions and main issues
3. It is essential to work your way through the “Becoming a registered provider” guide carefully to ensure that you understand the requirements for registration. There are many misconceptions about registration with the Regulator that can create confusion for applicants. Additionally, there are some common issues that applicants encounter in seeking to demonstrate that they meet requirements.
Registration of HB “exempt accommodation” providers
4. Jonathan Walters, the Deputy Chief Executive at the RSH, has identified how the stamp of being a regulated and registered provider is important for many organisations looking to enter the HB “exempt accommodation” sector.2Commonweal Housing, 20 Sept 2021, Webinar 3: Regulation and Charter of Rights
5. He mentions that the RSH has been pushing back against the registration of new organisations as they do not think that the way the model is operating will meet their standards. He also mentions that the Regulator has significantly reduced “almost to a trickle if even that at times” the number of organisations that are able to newly register.3Commonweal Housing, 20 Sept 2021, Webinar 3: Regulation and Charter of Rights
Guidance for new applicants
6. The registration criteria and the application process are explained in the Guidance for new entrants on applying for registration as a provider of social housing.4‘Guidance for New Entrants on Applying for Registration as a Provider of Social Housing’, (GOV.UK), accessed 16 February 2023
The preliminary application form
7. To register as a provider of social housing, you must first complete a downloadable form: Preliminary application form for registration of new entrants as providers of social housing.
8. Receipt of this form allows the regulator to check whether you meet the eligibility requirements of registration. It is important to provide all requested information accurately and completely to avoid delays in the registration process.
The detailed application form
9. If you meet the eligibility requirements at the Preliminary application stage, you will be invited to complete the downloadable Detailed application form for registration of new entrants as providers of social housing.
Guidance on completion of the forms
10. Guidance on completing the application forms is included within each form.
11. It is crucial to follow the guidance carefully and provide all requested information accurately and completely to ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible.
12. Registering with the Regulator of Social Housing is a significant undertaking, but it may provide benefits for certain providers of supported housing.
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