Coming into force: the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016

1. On 1 December 2022 the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into force.1The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016

2. All social and private tenants in Wales will see some changes:2Welsh Government, “Working Together for a Safe Home for All”, last accessed on 1 December 2022

  1. in the way their contracts are provided,
  2. in the way their homes are maintained,
  3. to how they communicate with their landlords.

3. All social and private landlords, including those who rent their properties through management companies or agents, will need to:

  1. comply with the new law,
  2. make the necessary updates to their properties and paperwork.

4. Special rules apply to “supported accommodation” as defined in the Act.

Useful resources

5. See our Knowledge Bank entry: Wales: Renting Regime – Sources


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