Projected units of supported housing by client group in Scotland, 2015-2030

Projected demand for units of supported housing by client groups in Scotland is set out below.

Projected units for older people

Projected demand for supported housing in Great Britain 2015 to 2030 commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), from the Policy Research Unit in Economics of Health and Social Care Systems (at the University of York, LSE and University of Kent), PSSRU Discussion Paper DP2931 (Mar 2017) Table 4: Projected units of supported housing by client group in Scotland, 2015-2030 (Base case, in thousand units) page 6.

Projected units for people with a learning disability

Projected demand for supported housing in Great Britain 2015 to 2030 commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), from the Policy Research Unit in Economics of Health and Social Care Systems (at the University of York, LSE and University of Kent), PSSRU Discussion Paper DP2931 (Mar 2017) Table 4: Projected units of supported housing by client group in Scotland, 2015-2030 (Base case, in thousand units) page 6.

Projected units for working-age people with a mental health problem, physically disabled, sensorily impaired or single homeless

Projected demand for supported housing in Great Britain 2015 to 2030 commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), from the Policy Research Unit in Economics of Health and Social Care Systems (at the University of York, LSE and University of Kent), PSSRU Discussion Paper DP2931 (Mar 2017) Table 4: Projected units of supported housing by client group in Scotland, 2015-2030 (Base case, in thousand units) page 6.

Projected units for other working-age people

Projected demand for supported housing in Great Britain 2015 to 2030 commissioned by the Department of Health (DH), on behalf of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG), from the Policy Research Unit in Economics of Health and Social Care Systems (at the University of York, LSE and University of Kent), PSSRU Discussion Paper DP2931 (Mar 2017) Table 4: Projected units of supported housing by client group in Scotland, 2015-2030 (Base case, in thousand units) page 6.


Percentage of supported housing for different client groups by landlord type (Scotland)


Fieldwork dates: 19 October – 2 December 2015
Source: Supported accommodation review - The scale, scope and cost of the supported housing sectorA report of research carried out by Ipsos MORI, Imogen Blood & Associates and Housing & Support Partnership on behalf of the DWP and the DCLG (Nov 2016) - Table 3.4 Profile of supported housing by client group and landlord by country on page 45.

The authors of the report advise that appropriate caution should be exercised when interpreting results at this level of disaggregation. Profile of the ‘Others’ category has been derived using the overall landlord type profile for working-age provision across each nation.

Annual HB per unit of supported housing


wdt_ID hbspendpapersupportedhousingunit England Scotland Wales
1 Country 6,300 6,900 5,800

As at December 2015
Source: Supported accommodation review - The scale, scope and cost of the supported housing sectorA report of research carried out by Ipsos MORI, Imogen Blood & Associates and Housing & Support Partnership on behalf of the DWP and the DCLG (Nov 2016) - Table 3.13 Summary of estimated annualised cost of HB for supported housing across Great Britain (as at December 2015) on page 60