1. In 2020 Blackpool embarked upon a scrutiny review of the provision of exempt accommodation in its area and also made a successful bid to participate in the Government’s pilot scheme.1 Blackpool Council, Supported Housing [last accessed: 3 March 2022]
2. It has now produced a final report together with:2 Blackpool Council, Supported Housing Scrutiny Review Final Report [last accessed: 3 March 2022]
- a market position statement
- a process outline for new providers
- standards and charter rights; and
- a quality standards self-assessment kit for providers.
3. The sufficiency and market position statement identifies current and probable future need across numerous client groups.3 Blackpool Council, Market Position Statement – Supported Housing [last accessed: 3 March 2022]
4. Providers of new schemes are expected to follow a 7-phased process but this would require legislative change to make binding.4 Blackpool Council, Supported Housing New Phased Scheme Opening Process [last accessed: 3 March 2022]
5. A Quality Standard self-assessment toolkit for accommodation providers and landlords has been made available. It is to reflect the standards expected of providers of supported housing in Blackpool. It covers three quality areas:5Blackpool Council, Supported Housing – Quality Standards Toolkit [last accessed: 3 March 2022]
- accommodation,
- tenant support; and
- organisation and staff.
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