The Registered Provider-Managing Agent business model

1. Prospect Supported Housing decided it had to close. Having investigated the matter, the board published its findings in a report dated October 2021. The report is entitled “Safe Successful Sustainable: A shared vision for better homes, support and opportunities. An evidence-based account from a housing provider that chose to close”. The authors reflect on Prospect’s role as a regulated provider of leased-based supported housing in Birmingham, funded through exempt housing benefit. 1Safe Successful Sustainable: A shared vision for better homes, support and opportunities, Prospect,
October 2021

2.  Prospect’s report illustrates a common model of supported accommodation provision involving Registered Providers (RPs) and their Managing Agents. Since then a relevant court judgement has been published illustrating the details of this model.2Midland Living CIC v Prospect Housing Ltd [2021] EWHC 2622 (Comm)

Prospect’s key asks

3.  Learning from its past experience, Prospect’s key asks include that:3Safe Successful Sustainable: A shared vision for better homes, support and opportunities, Prospect, October 2021, page 41 

  1. the “role of Managing Agents” should “be well-defined with clear governance” structures; and 
  2. “the potential in the model for exploitation and criminality” be acknowledged.

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